
Dishonored Gameplay Trailer

Bethesda has release the first game play trailer for Dishonored on June 1,2012. The trailer really shows off how the player will be able to use variation while killing enemies. You will be playing as a supernatural assassin, named Corvo, who is driven by the revenge. After the Empress's Death, Corvo was framed by Lord Regent, a character who apparently organized a coup against the Empress to take her throne. Corvo is now after Lord Regent and the corrupt government that serves him. While on this vengeful quest players will have access to different gadgets and weaponry, that can be used in destructive or stealthy ways. Also you will have supernatural abilities,given to you by The Outsider,at your disposal. Super natural abilities like manipulating time, teleporting, summing diseased rats, and blowing extreme gust of wind. Dishonored really offers players a interesting and interactive game play system. Bethesda and Arkane Studios have really created/produced a game of epic proportion. Dishonored will be releasing in North America on October 9,2012.
If you can't wait that long you can pre-oder Dishonored now at to receive exclusive content and the lowest market price.

Dishonored Announcement Trailer

Bethesda Softworks and Arkane Studios have finally release their announcement trailer for Dishonored on April 17,2012. You are Corvo Atono as supernatural assassin on a quest for vengeance. You have been framed for the death of the Empress of Gristoll , who you were once was the most trysted bodyguard for. Now you have become an infamous assassin only known by a ominous mask which has become your calling card. In your quest for vengeance you do much more the seek revenge, you provide hope for the poor citizens of Dunwall, who have been plague with disease and oppressed by the imperialistic government.


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