Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dishonored : Golden Cat Mission Walkthrough

Golden Cat Mission Walkthrough Part 1

Golden Cat Mission Walkthrough Part 2

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dishonored Gameplay Demo E3 2012

The developers of Dishonred, arkane studios, showed off some exclusive gameplay demo at E3 2012 to G4TV. The mission in the video is called Pendleton, Corvo is asked to assassinate the Pendleton twins, who are two members is parliament that are loyal to Lord Regent. In the gameplay demo you can see that players will be able to decide differences ways to complete missions like taking control over fish to help you access certain locations. Hope fully Arkane Studios will be at comic con 2012 to show off more of Dishonored.

Dishonored at E3 2012

Dishonored First Gameplay Trailer

Bethesda Softworks and Arkane Studios has release there E3 trailer early on June 1,2012.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Revenge Solves Everything

Bethesda has announced their next action- adventurer game, Dishonored , on April 17,2012 with an amazing announcement trailer. Players will be playing as a supernatural assassin named Corvo Atano who has been  framed for the assassination of the beloved Empress of Gristoll. He was once the Empress's most trusted body guard until he the empress was found dead in his arms. Now Corvo is on a quest for revenge to find the one responsible for killing the Empress and framing him, after escaping the prison he was put in, waiting to be executed. While on this quest players will have the ability to venture through a open world environment structured to be be a form of England in the 17th century . The Dunwall , the capital of Gristoll, is a city plagued with disease and ruled by a oppressive imperial government with access to neo-industrial technology. This government is the main protagonist in Dishonored, lead by Lord Regent, who has possible caused wide spread of disease in Dunwall. Players will be completing many mission that involving killing high ranking corrupt government officials and enforcers.

The combat system for Dishonored is surely to interactive to say the least. Players will have the option of deciding how they play and the various outcomes of mission. If you decide  sneaky assassin you have the abilities to sneak from behind a enemy then choking him dead or stabbing him in the back, and posses enemies to take out other enemies in a nearby area. Also you can decide to travel tunnels and sewers to go around or get the drop on unsuspecting enemies. But if you want to be a full out killing machine you have at your disposal super natural powers and destructive gadgets/weapons such as blasting gust of wind, summoning plagued rats, using powerful grenades, and firing a pistol with incendiary ammo. Dishonored will definitely will have players replaying over and over again to try different ways to play the game.

The official release date for Dishonored is October 9,2012 for North of America.